Sunday 23 March 2014

Lego Hand

"Ladies and Gentlemen I present or should I say

 "hand" you my hand"


For my second Lego Project I have built and designed a hand with an extending arm down to the elbow. I started off looking on the internet to see if there were any designs but the only thing that responded was pictures of Lego peoples hands and arms.
I decided to give up on the internet and use my own mind to build this model from scratch. As you can see it did work reasonably well most of the fingers are the right length and start at around the right point that they do on a normal hand. Building the hand took the best part of a Friday evening and then part of the following Saturday Morning.

Once I had finished and taken the photos I needed to I decided that it might look cool to take a photo of it playing a chord on my ukulele. (Making something in reverse is a lot harder especially when you haven't seen how you made it normally). Once I had made the left hand I decided against changing it back.